10h 58m
This game has been approved.
10h 58m
13h 6m
28h 49m
Beyond: Two Souls is an interactive drama and action-adventure game developed by Quantic Dream, released in 2013. The game follows the life of Jodie Holmes, a young woman who possesses supernatural powers linked to a mysterious entity named Aiden. Players navigate through Jodie's experiences, from her childhood to adulthood, making choices that shape the narrative and impact her relationships. The gameplay combines exploration, puzzles, and action sequences, with a strong emphasis on story and character development, offering multiple endings based on player decisions. Featuring a star-studded cast, including Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe, the game explores themes of identity, connection, and the nature of life beyond death.
Beyond: Two Souls can be played on the platforms PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PlayStation Now.
Beyond: Two Souls has 1 DLC/Expansions:
Expansion/DLC | Story | Extras | Complete |
Beyond: Two Souls - Advance Experiments DLC | 0h 15m | 0h 21m | 0h 22m |
The times below represent the possible times you could dedicate to Beyond: Two Souls based on how you play it, detailing also the average times depending on players’ skill levels.
According to the information provided by a total of 492 players, Beyond: Two Souls it has an average duration of 10 hours and 58 minutes if you limit yourself to completing the main objectives of the game,. The slowest players tend to complete this playstyle in an average time of 15 hours and 37 minutes. Players who prefer to go quickly tend to complete this playstyle in an average time of 8 hours and 37 minutes.
According to the information provided by a total of 199 players, if you also complete the extras, such as the objectives and optional missions Beyond: Two Souls, the game lasts an average of 13 hours and 6 minutes. The slowest players tend to complete this playstyle in an average time of 20 hours and 11 minutes. Players who prefer to go quickly tend to complete this playstyle in an average time of 10 hours and 39 minutes.
According to the information provided by a total of 48 players, to complete the story and also complete the optional objectives of the game along with all achievements, collectibles, or trophies from Beyond: Two Souls finishing it 100%, it will last an average of 28 hours and 49 minutes. The slowest players tend to complete this playstyle in an average time of 42 hours and 48 minutes. Players who prefer to go quickly tend to complete this playstyle in an average time of 20 hours and 55 minutes.
players | Average Time | Playing slowly | Playing quickly | |
Story | 492 | 10h 58m | 15h 37m | 8h 37m |
Extras | 199 | 13h 6m | 20h 11m | 10h 39m |
Complete | 48 | 28h 49m | 42h 48m | 20h 55m |
Now let’s look at the average duration of Beyond: Two Souls based on each playstyle for the different platforms it is played on:
players | Story | Extras | Complete | |
PC | 235 | 10h 56m | 13h 28m | 21h 8m |
PlayStation 3 | 246 | 4h 46m | 13h 17m | 9h 48m |
PlayStation 4 | 244 | 11h 4m | 13h 14m | 28h 13m |
PlayStation 5 | 10 | 6h 55m | 11h 49m | - |
PlayStation Now | 2 | 10h 6m | 9h 17m | - |
These are the statistical data for speedruns of Beyond: Two Souls submitted by users:
players | Average Time | Median | Slowest | Fastest |
1 | 7h 54m | 7h 54m | 7h 54m | 7h 54m |
Below is the maximum time and minimum time Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on Beyond: Two Souls to complete it for each platform, including all playstyles:
Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on Beyond: Two Souls to complete it for each platform. These data do not reflect players’ skills but exclusively the total number of hours they have dedicated to the game:
player | Fastest | Slowest | |
PC | Mr/s. Unknown | 7h 14m | 58h 3m |
PlayStation 3 | Mr/s. Unknown | 6h 51m | 57h 43m |
PlayStation 4 | Mr/s. Unknown | 6h 23m | 45h 54m |
PlayStation 5 | Mr/s. Unknown | 6h 58m | 15h 18m |
PlayStation Now | Mr/s. Unknown | 9h 10m | 9h 53m |