12h 0m
This game has been approved.
12h 0m
20h 7m
30h 41m
Control is a third-person action-adventure game developed by Remedy Entertainment, released in 2019. Players assume the role of Jesse Faden, who explores the mysterious Federal Bureau of Control, a secretive government agency investigating supernatural phenomena. The game features a richly crafted environment filled with surreal, shifting architecture and a compelling narrative that unfolds as Jesse harnesses her telekinetic abilities to confront otherworldly threats. With its unique gameplay mechanics, immersive world, and intricate storytelling, Control invites players to uncover the secrets of the Bureau and Jesse's own past.
Control is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PlayStation Now, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.
Control has 3 DLC/Expansions:
Expansion/DLC | Story | Extras | Complete |
Control - Expeditions | 0h 53m | 2h 33m | 4h 2m |
Control - The Foundation | 4h 8m | 6h 0m | 8h 25m |
Control - AWE | 3h 14m | 4h 50m | 6h 41m |
The times below represent the possible times you could dedicate to Control depending on how you play it. We’ll also look at the average times based on players’ abilities.
According to the information provided by a total of 492 players, Control it has an average duration of 12 hours if you only complete the main objectives of the game,. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly tend to complete it in an average time of 16 hours and 25 minutes. The fastest players tend to finish this playstyle in an average of 8 hours and 28 minutes.
According to the information provided by a total of 750 players, if you also complete the extras, such as the objectives and optional missions Control, the average game duration is 20 hours and 7 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly tend to complete it in an average time of 44 hours and 53 minutes. The fastest players tend to finish this playstyle in an average of 13 hours and 41 minutes.
According to the information provided by a total of 236 players, if you complete both the story and the optional objectives, also obtaining all achievements, collectibles, or trophies from Control to complete it 100%, the game will last an average of 30 hours and 41 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly tend to complete it in an average time of 69 hours and 13 minutes. The fastest players tend to finish this playstyle in an average of 22 hours and 10 minutes.
players | Average Time | Playing slowly | Playing quickly | |
Story | 492 | 12h 0m | 16h 25m | 8h 28m |
Extras | 750 | 20h 7m | 44h 53m | 13h 41m |
Complete | 236 | 30h 41m | 69h 13m | 22h 10m |
Below, you can see the average duration of Control based on each playstyle across all platforms it is played on:
players | Story | Extras | Complete | |
PC | 950 | 4h 23m | 20h 6m | 18h 14m |
PlayStation 4 | 289 | 6h 27m | 21h 4m | 29h 46m |
PlayStation 5 | 71 | 11h 13m | 5h 8m | 28h 36m |
PlayStation Now | 2 | 4h 59m | 8h 31m | 15h 21m |
Xbox One | 101 | 2h 53m | 20h 6m | 33h 6m |
Xbox Series X/S | 57 | 12h 42m | 21h 13m | 35h 19m |
Here you can find data about the speedruns of the game Control submitted by users:
players | Average Time | Median | Slowest | Fastest |
1 | 1h 23m | 1h 23m | 1h 23m | 1h 23m |
Now let’s look at the maximum time and minimum time Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on Control to complete it for each platform, including all available playstyles:
Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on Control to complete it for each platform. These data do not reflect players’ skill but rather how much you can get out of the game depending on whether you play quickly or leisurely:
player | Fastest | Slowest | |
PC | Mr/s. Unknown | 5h 6m | 92h 24m |
PlayStation 4 | Mr/s. Unknown | 6h 7m | 77h 22m |
PlayStation 5 | Mr/s. Unknown | 6h 7m | 56h 6m |
PlayStation Now | Mr/s. Unknown | 12h 14m | 30h 36m |
Xbox One | Mr/s. Unknown | 5h 57m | 81h 36m |
Xbox Series X/S | Mr/s. Unknown | 6h 37m | 109h 20m |