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Cover of God of War (2005)

Length of God of War (2005)

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8h 50m


9h 46m


12h 46m


About God of War (2005)

God of War is an action-adventure game released in 2005, developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. Players control Kratos, a Spartan warrior seeking revenge against Ares, the Greek god of war, for manipulating him into murdering his own family. The game combines intense combat with puzzle-solving elements and is set in a mythological world filled with gods, monsters, and ancient artifacts. Its engaging storyline, breathtaking graphics, and fluid gameplay mechanics have made it a landmark title in the gaming industry, paving the way for numerous sequels and adaptations.

God of War (2005) is available on Emulated, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Now and PlayStation Vita.

How long is God of War (2005)?

Let’s examine in detail the time you might spend on God of War (2005) based on how you play it, detailing also the average times depending on players’ skill levels.

Based on the data provided by 367 players, God of War (2005) has an average duration of 8 hours and 50 minutes if you only complete the main objectives of the game,. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly have completed it in an average time of 12 hours and 52 minutes. If you play slowly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 5 hours and 50 minutes.

Based on the data provided by 217 players, if you also complete the extras, such as the objectives and optional missions God of War (2005), the average time is 9 hours and 46 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly have completed it in an average time of 16 hours and 26 minutes. If you play slowly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 6 hours and 44 minutes.

Based on the data provided by 59 players, to complete both the story and the optional objectives of the game along with all achievements, collectibles, or trophies from God of War (2005) to fully complete it at 100%, the game will last an average of 12 hours and 46 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly have completed it in an average time of 23 hours and 12 minutes. If you play slowly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 8 hours and 39 minutes.

*Average length of God of War (2005).
players Average Time Playing slowly Playing quickly
Story 367 8h 50m 12h 52m 5h 50m
Extras 217 9h 46m 16h 26m 6h 44m
Complete 59 12h 46m 23h 12m 8h 39m

Length of God of War (2005) by platform

Now let’s proceed with the average duration of God of War (2005) based on each playstyle for the different platforms on which it can be played:

*Average length of God of War (2005) by platform.
players Story Extras Complete
Emulated 53 8h 44m 5h 8m 11h 16m
PlayStation 2 234 3h 9m 6h 41m 12h 37m
PlayStation 3 304 8h 50m 10h 9m 13h 46m
PlayStation Now 15 9h 4m 9h 13m 17h 31m
PlayStation Vita 30 4h 19m 10h 17m 16h 57m

Speedruns of God of War (2005)

Check out the statistics for speedruns of God of War (2005) submitted by users:

*Average speedrun length of God of War (2005).
players Average Time Median Slowest Fastest
8 3h 22m 3h 16m 4h 51m 2h 9m

Records of God of War (2005)

Now let’s look at the maximum time and minimum time Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on God of War (2005) to complete it depending on the platform on which it exists, including all available playstyles:

  • Minimum Time: If you play quickly, God of War (2005) could last 2 hours and 57 minutes.
  • Maximum Time: Playing as slowly as you can, God of War (2005) could last 33 hours and 57 minutes.

Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on God of War (2005) to complete it depending on the platform on which it exists. These data do not reflect players’ skill but rather how much you can get out of the game depending on whether you play quickly or leisurely:

*Maximum and minimum time a player has spent to complete God of War (2005).
player Fastest Slowest
Emulated Mr/s. Unknown 5h 49m 20h 22m
PlayStation 2 Mr/s. Unknown 4h 51m 21h 10m
PlayStation 3 Mr/s. Unknown 2h 57m 33h 57m
PlayStation Now Mr/s. Unknown 5h 49m 20h 51m
PlayStation Vita Mr/s. Unknown 4h 40m 24h 56m

Featured Gameplays of God of War (2005)

  • Toñoplay has completed God of War (2005) on PlayStation Now

    2024/01/09 22:01:44
    Toñoplay has completed God of War (2005) on PlayStation Now Completed in a time of 10 hours, in its story mode, completing the main objectives.
    el juego fue jugado en ps5 atreves de la nube y fue grabado a 4k 60 fps te invito a ver esta joya que mejora mucho en ps5
    Platform Mode Style Replay Progress Time
    Platform: PlayStation Now Mode: Standard Style: Main Story Replay: No Progress: Completed Time: 10h 0m 0s