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Cover of Heavy Rain

Length of Heavy Rain

This game has been approved.


9h 51m


12h 3m


22h 7m


About Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain is an interactive drama and action-adventure game released in 2010, developed by Quantic Dream. Set in a dark, atmospheric environment, the game follows the intertwining stories of four characters as they attempt to uncover the identity of a mysterious serial killer known as the Origami Killer. Players make choices that significantly impact the narrative, leading to multiple possible endings. The game's emphasis on emotional storytelling, character development, and quick-time events creates an immersive experience, challenging players to confront personal dilemmas and moral choices throughout the gripping plot.

Heavy Rain can be played on the platforms PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PlayStation Now.

Heavy Rain on Steam

Additional Content of Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain has 1 DLC/Expansions:

Expansion/DLC Story Extras Complete
Heavy Rain: The Taxidermist 0h 28m 0h 53m 1h 31m

How long is Heavy Rain?

Next, let’s look at the time you might spend on Heavy Rain depending on how you play it. We’ll also look at the average times based on players’ abilities.

Based on the information provided by 651 players, Heavy Rain it has an average duration of 9 hours and 51 minutes if you limit yourself to completing the main objectives of the game,. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly have completed it in an average time of 14 hours and 13 minutes. Players who prefer to go quickly tend to complete this playstyle in an average time of 7 hours and 24 minutes.

Based on the information provided by 211 players, if you also complete the extras, among which the side missions or optional objectives from Heavy Rain, the average time is 12 hours and 3 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly have completed it in an average time of 20 hours and 49 minutes. Players who prefer to go quickly tend to complete this playstyle in an average time of 9 hours and 19 minutes.

Based on the information provided by 94 players, to complete both the story and the optional objectives of the game along with all achievements, collectibles, or trophies from Heavy Rain to fully complete it at 100%, the game will last an average of 22 hours and 7 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly have completed it in an average time of 33 hours and 9 minutes. Players who prefer to go quickly tend to complete this playstyle in an average time of 15 hours and 36 minutes.

*Average length of Heavy Rain.
players Average Time Playing slowly Playing quickly
Story 651 9h 51m 14h 13m 7h 24m
Extras 211 12h 3m 20h 49m 9h 19m
Complete 94 22h 7m 33h 9m 15h 36m

Length of Heavy Rain by platform

Below, you can see the average duration of Heavy Rain based on all playstyles for each platform it is played on:

*Average length of Heavy Rain by platform.
players Story Extras Complete
PC 241 3h 16m 7h 56m 20h 37m
PlayStation 3 382 10h 8m 12h 32m 22h 21m
PlayStation 4 282 3h 8m 5h 17m 16h 37m
PlayStation 5 13 9h 0m 11h 33m 20h 17m
PlayStation Now 2 7h 13m 4h 15m -

Speedruns of Heavy Rain

Below, you can see the statistics for speedruns of Heavy Rain submitted by users:

*Average speedrun length of Heavy Rain.
players Average Time Median Slowest Fastest
1 3h 27m 3h 27m 3h 27m 3h 27m

Records of Heavy Rain

Now let’s look at the maximum time and minimum time Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that among all players has been spent on Heavy Rain to complete it based on each platform, regardless of the playstyle:

  • Minimum Time: If you play quickly, Heavy Rain could last 5 hours and 56 minutes.
  • Maximum Time: If you play slowly, Heavy Rain could last 44 hours and 33 minutes.

Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that among all players has been spent on Heavy Rain to complete it based on each platform. These data do not reflect players’ skills but exclusively the total number of hours they have dedicated to the game:

*Maximum and minimum time a player has spent to complete Heavy Rain.
player Fastest Slowest
PC Mr/s. Unknown 5h 56m 36h 37m
PlayStation 3 Mr/s. Unknown 5h 56m 44h 33m
PlayStation 4 Mr/s. Unknown 5h 56m 39h 36m
PlayStation 5 Mr/s. Unknown 6h 16m 19h 48m
PlayStation Now Mr/s. Unknown 9h 24m 12h 2m

Featured Gameplays of Heavy Rain

  • CristoHD has completed Heavy Rain on PlayStation 5

    2024/01/03 03:01:58
    CristoHD has completed Heavy Rain on PlayStation 5 Completed in a time of 9 hours and 29 minutes, in its story mode, completing the main objectives.
    ola a todos Moradores/as del yermo ✌🏻🤗🏜️🎮 hoy jugamos: Heavy Rain, intenta revolucionar las aventuras gráficas ofreciendo una experiencia completamente interactiva e impredecible, donde las decisiones del jugador afectan al resto de la aventura, y cada vez que jugamos ocurre algo diferente. A través de la historia de cuatro personajes, tendremos que investigar al asesino del origami, un criminal que ha afectado la vida de los cuatro protagonistas. Nuestras acciones y decisiones influirán el resto del juego, lleno de secuencias de acción y de posibilidades de interacción con el escenario y los personajes. ✔️Dicho esto os dejo con el video y disfruten del SHOW!!
    Platform Mode Style Replay Progress Time
    Platform: PlayStation 5 Mode: Standard Style: Main Story Replay: Yes Progress: Completed Time: 9h 29m 20s