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Cover of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

Length of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

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42h 58m


55h 46m


90h 47m


About Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is a role-playing game developed by Level-5 and published by Namco Bandai Games. Released in 2011, it follows the journey of a young boy named Oliver, who embarks on a magical adventure to save his mother and the enchanting world of Ni no Kuni. With a captivating blend of heartwarming storytelling, charming hand-drawn animations, and engaging turn-based combat, players explore diverse environments, interact with whimsical creatures, and uncover the mysteries of a parallel world. The game is notable for its collaboration with Studio Ghibli, which lends its unique art style and storytelling prowess to the experience.

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is available on platforms Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PlayStation Now, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch on Steam

How long is Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch?

The times below represent the possible times you could dedicate to Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch based on how you play it, detailing also the average times depending on players’ skill levels.

Based on the data provided by 245 players, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch has an average duration of 42 hours and 58 minutes if you only complete the main objectives of the game,. The slowest players tend to complete this playstyle in an average time of 65 hours and 3 minutes. If you play slowly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 32 hours and 4 minutes.

Based on the data provided by 447 players, if you also complete the extras, including optional objectives or side missions from Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, the average game duration is 55 hours and 46 minutes. The slowest players tend to complete this playstyle in an average time of 107 hours and 13 minutes. If you play slowly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 41 hours and 48 minutes.

Based on the data provided by 113 players, if you complete the story along with the optional objectives and also achieve all achievements, collectibles, or trophies from Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch to complete it 100%, the game will last an average of 90 hours and 47 minutes. The slowest players tend to complete this playstyle in an average time of 126 hours and 58 minutes. If you play slowly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 65 hours and 15 minutes.

*Average length of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch.
players Average Time Playing slowly Playing quickly
Story 245 42h 58m 65h 3m 32h 4m
Extras 447 55h 46m 107h 13m 41h 48m
Complete 113 90h 47m 126h 58m 65h 15m

Length of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch by platform

Let’s proceed with the average duration of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch based on each playstyle for each platform it is played on:

*Average length of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch by platform.
players Story Extras Complete
Nintendo Switch 138 4h 52m 56h 59m 13h 34m
PC 122 2h 50m 53h 7m 84h 52m
PlayStation 3 437 44h 27m 57h 2m 92h 58m
PlayStation 4 76 6h 9m 5h 42m 19h 34m
PlayStation 5 2 28h 20m 5h 14m 14h 27m
PlayStation Now 2 4h 31m - -
Xbox One 4 4h 1m 7h 17m 14h 19m
Xbox Series X/S 17 6h 59m 48h 16m 80h 15m

Records of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

Now let’s look at the maximum time and minimum time Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that players have spent on Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch to finish it based on the platforms available, regardless of the playstyle:

  • Minimum Time: If you play quickly, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch could last 21 hours and 20 minutes.
  • Maximum Time: If you go slowly, taking your time, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch could last 164 hours and 54 minutes.

Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that players have spent on Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch to finish it based on the platforms available. The purpose of this data is not to reflect players’ skill but rather to inform about the maximum and minimum times, keeping in mind that many prefer to play leisurely while others prefer the fastest way possible:

*Maximum and minimum time a player has spent to complete Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch.
player Fastest Slowest
Nintendo Switch Mr/s. Unknown 21h 20m 155h 12m
PC Mr/s. Unknown 21h 30m 154h 30m
PlayStation 3 Mr/s. Unknown 21h 34m 164h 54m
PlayStation 4 Mr/s. Unknown 21h 49m 135h 48m
PlayStation 5 Mr/s. Unknown 28h 7m 140h 37m
PlayStation Now Mr/s. Unknown 44h 51m 48h 30m
Xbox One Mr/s. Unknown 42h 40m 159h 51m
Xbox Series X/S Mr/s. Unknown 30h 4m 98h 56m

Featured Gameplays of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

  • CristoHD has completed Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch on Xbox Series X/S

    2024/01/09 02:01:45
    CristoHD has completed Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch on Xbox Series X/S Completed in a time of 60 hours and 40 minutes, in its story mode, completing the main objectives along with optional objectives.
    Hola a todos Moradores/as del yermo ✌🏻🤗🏜️🎮 hoy jugamos: Level 5 y Estudio Ghibli ofrecen este vistoso juego para PlayStation 3. La historia de Ni no Kuni nos pone en la piel de un chico de trece años llamado Oliver. Este joven vive en la ciudad de Hotroit, una ciudad imaginaria pero que sigue el estilo industrial europeo que podemos ver en algunas de las películas del estudio Ghibli. Se trata de un juego de rol con una historia que recuerda a la de películas como El Viaje de Chihiro, la Princesa Mononoke o mi Vecino Totoro. ✔️Dicho esto os dejo con el video y disfruten del SHOW!!
    Platform Mode Style Replay Progress Time
    Platform: Xbox Series X/S Mode: Standard Style: Extras Replay: No Progress: Completed Time: 60h 40m 30s