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Cover of Pokémon Fool's Gold

Length of Pokémon Fool's Gold

This game has been approved.


5h 6m


91h 37m




About Pokémon Fool's Gold

Pokémon Fool's Gold is a fan-made ROM hack of the classic Pokémon Gold version. The game features an expanded storyline, new Pokémon to catch, and enhanced gameplay mechanics. Players can explore a reimagined world filled with unique challenges, characters, and regions while aiming to become the Pokémon Champion. With a mix of nostalgia and fresh content, Pokémon Fool's Gold offers both new and veteran players a captivating experience in the beloved Pokémon universe.

Pokémon Fool's Gold is available on PC and Game Boy Color.

How long is Pokémon Fool's Gold?

Let’s take a detailed look at the time you might spend on Pokémon Fool's Gold based on how you play it. We’ll also look at the average times according to player’s abilities.

According to the data provided by 1 player, Pokémon Fool's Gold has an average duration of 5 hours and 6 minutes if you only complete the main objectives of the game,. The slowest players tend to finish this playstyle in an average of 5 hours and 6 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play quickly have completed it in an average time of 5 hours and 6 minutes.

According to the data provided by 2 players, if you also complete the extras, such as the optional objectives or side missions from Pokémon Fool's Gold, the average time is 91 hours and 37 minutes. The slowest players tend to finish this playstyle in an average of 103 hours and 16 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play quickly have completed it in an average time of 79 hours and 59 minutes.

*Average length of Pokémon Fool's Gold.
players Average Time Playing slowly Playing quickly
Story 1 5h 6m 5h 6m 5h 6m
Extras 2 91h 37m 103h 16m 79h 59m
Complete 0 - - -

Length of Pokémon Fool's Gold by platform

Below, you can see the average duration of Pokémon Fool's Gold based on each playstyle across all platforms that has a version available:

*Average length of Pokémon Fool's Gold by platform.
players Story Extras Complete
PC 1 7h 54m - -
Game Boy Color 2 - 92h 3m -

Records of Pokémon Fool's Gold

Let’s now look at the maximum time and minimum time Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on Pokémon Fool's Gold to complete it depending on the platform on which it exists, regardless of the playstyle:

  • Minimum Time: Playing quickly, Pokémon Fool's Gold could last 5 hours and 6 minutes.
  • Maximum Time: Playing as slowly as possible, Pokémon Fool's Gold could last 114 hours and 56 minutes.

Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on Pokémon Fool's Gold to complete it depending on the platform on which it exists. These times do not symbolize players’ skill but rather the greater or lesser number of hours someone has spent on the game:

*Maximum and minimum time a player has spent to complete Pokémon Fool's Gold.
player Fastest Slowest
PC Mr/s. Unknown 5h 6m 5h 6m
Game Boy Color Mr/s. Unknown 68h 20m 114h 56m