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Cover of Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Length of Shadow of the Tomb Raider

This game has been approved.


13h 9m


24h 16m


40h 5m


About Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is an action-adventure game released in 2018 and serves as the concluding chapter in the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy. Players assume the role of Lara Croft as she embarks on an expedition through the dense jungles of South America to stop a Mayan apocalypse. The game features a mix of exploration, puzzle-solving, and intense combat, emphasizing stealth mechanics and survival themes. With stunning visuals and a rich narrative, Shadow of the Tomb Raider immerses players in ancient tombs, treacherous environments, and the internal struggles of Lara as she becomes the legendary Tomb Raider.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is available on Google Stadia, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation Now, Linux and Mac.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider on Steam

Additional Content of Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider has 7 DLC/Expansions:

How long is Shadow of the Tomb Raider?

The times below represent the possible times you could dedicate to Shadow of the Tomb Raider depending on how you play it, also considering the average times based on players’ skill levels.

According to the data provided by 476 players, Shadow of the Tomb Raider it has an average duration of 13 hours and 9 minutes if you only complete the main objectives of the game,. If you play quickly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 19 hours and 56 minutes. If you play slowly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 9 hours and 59 minutes.

According to the data provided by 551 players, if you also complete the extras, such as optional objectives or side missions from Shadow of the Tomb Raider, the average game duration is 24 hours and 16 minutes. If you play quickly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 50 hours and 38 minutes. If you play slowly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 15 hours and 39 minutes.

According to the data provided by 240 players, to complete the story and also complete the optional objectives of the game along with all achievements, collectibles, or trophies from Shadow of the Tomb Raider to complete it 100%, the game will last an average of 40 hours and 5 minutes. If you play quickly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 92 hours and 45 minutes. If you play slowly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 28 hours and 40 minutes.

*Average length of Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
players Average Time Playing slowly Playing quickly
Story 476 13h 9m 19h 56m 9h 59m
Extras 551 24h 16m 50h 38m 15h 39m
Complete 240 40h 5m 92h 45m 28h 40m

Length of Shadow of the Tomb Raider by platform

Below, you can see the average duration of Shadow of the Tomb Raider depending on the different playstyles for each platform where it is available:

*Average length of Shadow of the Tomb Raider by platform.
players Story Extras Complete
Google Stadia 8 13h 39m 24h 19m 35h 19m
PC 753 6h 13m 8h 37m 7h 5m
PlayStation 4 287 13h 19m 4h 38m 38h 35m
PlayStation 5 33 5h 19m 6h 27m 17h 15m
Xbox One 174 6h 1m 6h 53m 13h 46m
Xbox Series X/S 22 12h 43m 11h 36m 39h 28m
PlayStation Now 0 - - -
Linux 0 - - -
Mac 0 - - -

Speedruns of Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Below, you can see the statistics for speedruns of Shadow of the Tomb Raider submitted by users:

*Average speedrun length of Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
players Average Time Median Slowest Fastest
1 6h 50m 6h 50m 6h 50m 6h 50m

Records of Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Below is the maximum time and minimum time Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on Shadow of the Tomb Raider to complete it for each platform, including all playstyles:

  • Minimum Time: Playing as quickly as possible, Shadow of the Tomb Raider could last 7 hours and 8 minutes.
  • Maximum Time: Playing as slowly as possible, Shadow of the Tomb Raider could last 146 hours and 36 minutes.

Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on Shadow of the Tomb Raider to complete it for each platform. The purpose of this data is not to reflect players’ skill but rather to inform about the maximum and minimum times, keeping in mind that many prefer to play leisurely while others prefer the fastest way possible:

*Maximum and minimum time a player has spent to complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
player Fastest Slowest
Google Stadia Mr/s. Unknown 9h 46m 35h 1m
PC Mr/s. Unknown 7h 8m 146h 36m
PlayStation 4 Mr/s. Unknown 7h 13m 111h 52m
PlayStation 5 Mr/s. Unknown 9h 10m 69h 21m
Xbox One Mr/s. Unknown 7h 23m 78h 17m
Xbox Series X/S Mr/s. Unknown 7h 39m 60h 26m
PlayStation Now Mr/s. Unknown - -
Linux Mr/s. Unknown - -
Mac Mr/s. Unknown - -