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Cover of Snake vs. Monkey

Duration of Snake vs. Monkey

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1h 32m




2h 20m


About Snake vs. Monkey

Spike y Jimmy (Kakeru e Hikaru), después de ser liberados para las vacaciones de verano de la escuela, decide soñar despierto con sus vacaciones fuera. A pesar de esto, sin embargo, los simios han escapado una vez más, esta vez en la selva. A continuación, el profesor solicita la ayuda de Roy Campbell después de declarar el estado de emergencia. Campbell decide que sabía que el hombre necesitaba: Solid Snake es, irónicamente, arrastrado fuera de unas vacaciones por Campbell alrededor de las 2:00 AM para dirigirse a la selva. No está muy contento, aunque Campbell explica que necesitan a Snake. Snake le pregunta por qué lo eligieron. Él deja claro que no aceptará una misión que involucrara derribar Metal Gears, o rescatar a VIP o algún anciano.

Snake vs. Monkey can be played on y PlayStation 2.

Snake vs. Monkey is an expansion of the game Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater:

Game Story Extras Complete
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 15h 58m 20h 9m 25h 13m

How long is Snake vs. Monkey?

Let’s examine in detail the time you might spend on Snake vs. Monkey based on how you play it. We’ll also look at the average times according to players’ abilities.

According to the information provided by a total of 1 player, Snake vs. Monkey it has an average duration of 1 hour y 32 minutes if you only complete the main objectives of the game,. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly tend to complete it in an average time of 1 hour y 32 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play quickly tend to complete it in an average time of 1 hour y 32 minutes.

According to the information provided by a total of 1 player, if you complete both the story and the optional objectives, also obtaining all achievements, collectibles, or trophies from Snake vs. Monkey completing it at 100%, the game has an average duration of 2 hours y 20 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly tend to complete it in an average time of 2 hours y 20 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play quickly tend to complete it in an average time of 2 hours y 20 minutes.

*Average duration of Snake vs. Monkey.
players Average Time Playing slowly Playing quickly
Story 1 1h 32m 1h 32m 1h 32m
Extras 0 - - -
Complete 1 2h 20m 2h 20m 2h 20m

Duration of Snake vs. Monkey by platform

Below, you can see the average duration of Snake vs. Monkey based on all playstyles for each platform that has a version available:

*Average duration of Snake vs. Monkey by platform.
players Story Extras Complete
PlayStation 2 2 7h 35m - 7h 49m

Records of Snake vs. Monkey

Now let’s look at the maximum time and minimum time Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that any player has spent on Snake vs. Monkey to complete it depending on the platform on which it exists, including all playstyles:

  • Minimum Time: Playing as fast as possible, Snake vs. Monkey could last 1 hour y 32 minutes.
  • Maximum Time: Playing as slowly as you can, Snake vs. Monkey could last 2 hours y 20 minutes.

Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that any player has spent on Snake vs. Monkey to complete it depending on the platform on which it exists. These times do not symbolize players’ skill but rather the greater or lesser number of hours someone has spent on the game:

*Maximum and minimum time a player has spent to complete Snake vs. Monkey.
player Fastest Slowest
PlayStation 2 Mr/s. Unknown 1h 32m 2h 20m