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Cover of Thief (2014)

Duration of Thief (2014)

This game has been approved.


11h 6m


22h 20m


45h 41m


About Thief (2014)

Garrett, el Maestro Ladrón, sale de las sombras hacia la ciudad. En este lugar traicionero, donde la Guardia del Barón propaga una ola creciente de miedo y opresión, sus habilidades son las únicas cosas en las que puede confiar. Incluso los ciudadanos más cautelosos y sus posesiones mejor custodiadas no están a salvo de su alcance. A medida que surge un levantamiento, Garrett se encuentra enredado en crecientes capas de conflicto. Dirigido por Orión, la voz del pueblo, los ciudadanos tiranos harán todo lo posible para reclamar la ciudad de las manos del Barón. La revolución es inevitable. Si Garrett no se involucra, las calles se volverán rojas de sangre y la ciudad se desgarrará.

Thief (2014) can be played on PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, y Xbox Series X/S.

Thief (2014) on Steam

Additional Content of Thief (2014)

Thief (2014) has 1 DLC/Expansions:

Expansion/DLC Story Extras Complete
Thief: The Bank Heist DLC 0h 46m 0h 56m 1h 13m

How long is Thief (2014)?

Let’s take a detailed look at the time you might spend on Thief (2014) based on how you play it. We’ll also look at the average times according to players’ abilities.

Based on the data provided by 116 players, Thief (2014) it has an average duration of 11 hours y 6 minutes if you only complete the main objectives of the game,. The slowest players tend to finish this playstyle in an average of 22 hours y 3 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play quickly have completed it in an average time of 7 hours y 16 minutes.

Based on the data provided by 114 players, to also complete the extras, such as the optional objectives or side missions from Thief (2014), the average time is 22 hours y 20 minutes. The slowest players tend to finish this playstyle in an average of 37 hours y 55 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play quickly have completed it in an average time of 14 hours y 52 minutes.

Based on the data provided by 25 players, if you complete both the story and the optional objectives, also obtaining all achievements, collectibles, or trophies from Thief (2014) to fully complete it at 100%, the game will last an average of 45 hours y 41 minutes. The slowest players tend to finish this playstyle in an average of 66 hours y 57 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play quickly have completed it in an average time of 29 hours y 21 minutes.

*Average duration of Thief (2014).
players Average Time Playing slowly Playing quickly
Story 116 11h 6m 22h 3m 7h 16m
Extras 114 22h 20m 37h 55m 14h 52m
Complete 25 45h 41m 66h 57m 29h 21m

Duration of Thief (2014) by platform

Below, you can see the average duration of Thief (2014) based on all playstyles for each platform it is played on:

*Average duration of Thief (2014) by platform.
players Story Extras Complete
PC 173 3h 44m 10h 8m 8h 43m
PlayStation 3 16 10h 13m 9h 13m 18h 9m
PlayStation 4 41 11h 10m 8h 44m 13h 58m
Xbox 360 9 12h 6m 21h 6m 36h 26m
Xbox One 15 6h 5m 9h 37m 10h 46m
PlayStation 5 2 11h 26m 11h 29m -
Xbox Series X/S 2 3h 11m 21h 23m -

Speedruns of Thief (2014)

Check out the statistics for speedruns of Thief (2014) submitted by users:

*Average speedrun duration of Thief (2014).
players Average Time Median Slowest Fastest
3 4h 41m 4h 22m 8h 44m 1h 16m

Records of Thief (2014)

Now let’s look at the maximum time and minimum time Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on Thief (2014) to complete it based on the platforms on which it is available, regardless of the playstyle:

  • Minimum Time: Playing as quickly as possible, Thief (2014) could last 3 hours y 53 minutes.
  • Maximum Time: Playing as slowly as possible, Thief (2014) could last 90 hours y 13 minutes.

Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on Thief (2014) to complete it based on the platforms on which it is available. The purpose of this data is not to reflect players’ skill but rather to inform about the maximum and minimum times, keeping in mind that many prefer to play leisurely while others prefer the fastest way possible:

*Maximum and minimum time a player has spent to complete Thief (2014).
player Fastest Slowest
PC Mr/s. Unknown 4h 51m 90h 13m
PlayStation 3 Mr/s. Unknown 5h 49m 38h 48m
PlayStation 4 Mr/s. Unknown 3h 53m 72h 45m
Xbox 360 Mr/s. Unknown 7h 46m 67h 57m
Xbox One Mr/s. Unknown 5h 35m 55h 4m
PlayStation 5 Mr/s. Unknown 10h 40m 11h 48m
Xbox Series X/S Mr/s. Unknown 10h 47m 20h 57m