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Cover of Tomb Raider (2013)

Length of Tomb Raider (2013)

This game has been approved.


12h 0m


16h 26m


22h 15m


About Tomb Raider (2013)

Tomb Raider (2013) is an action-adventure video game that serves as a reboot of the long-running franchise. Players control a young Lara Croft on her first expedition, which takes a perilous turn when her ship crashes on the mysterious island of Yamatai. As Lara embarks on a quest for survival, she uncovers ancient secrets and faces ruthless foes. The game features a combination of exploration, puzzle-solving, and combat, emphasizing Lara's evolution from an inexperienced adventurer to a formidable survivor. With its immersive storytelling, rich environments, and cinematic gameplay, Tomb Raider redefines the classic series for a new generation.

Tomb Raider (2013) can be played on Google Stadia, PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Linux and Mac.

Tomb Raider (2013) on Steam

Additional Content of Tomb Raider (2013)

Tomb Raider (2013) has 1 DLC/Expansions:

Expansion/DLC Story Extras Complete
Tomb Raider: Tomb of the Lost Adventurer 0h 13m 0h 14m 0h 15m

How long is Tomb Raider (2013)?

Let’s take a detailed look at the time you might spend on Tomb Raider (2013) based on how you play it. We’ll also look at the average times according to player’s abilities.

Based on the information provided by 2162 players, Tomb Raider (2013) it has an average duration of 12 hours if you only complete the main objectives of the game,. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly tend to complete it in an average time of 21 hours and 17 minutes. The fastest players tend to finish this playstyle in an average of 8 hours and 24 minutes.

Based on the information provided by 2059 players, if you also complete the extras, among which the side missions or optional objectives from Tomb Raider (2013), the average game duration is 16 hours and 26 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly tend to complete it in an average time of 35 hours and 15 minutes. The fastest players tend to finish this playstyle in an average of 11 hours and 3 minutes.

Based on the information provided by 851 players, to complete the story, the optional objectives, and also achieve all achievements, collectibles, or trophies from Tomb Raider (2013) to complete the game 100%, the average duration is 22 hours and 15 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly tend to complete it in an average time of 57 hours and 3 minutes. The fastest players tend to finish this playstyle in an average of 15 hours and 20 minutes.

*Average length of Tomb Raider (2013).
players Average Time Playing slowly Playing quickly
Story 2162 12h 0m 21h 17m 8h 24m
Extras 2059 16h 26m 35h 15m 11h 3m
Complete 851 22h 15m 57h 3m 15h 20m

Length of Tomb Raider (2013) by platform

Now let’s proceed with the average duration of Tomb Raider (2013) depending on the different playstyles for each platform on which it exists:

*Average length of Tomb Raider (2013) by platform.
players Story Extras Complete
Google Stadia 22 12h 57m 18h 22m 8h 47m
PC 3916 3h 28m 16h 36m 8h 27m
PlayStation 3 246 12h 32m 4h 54m 21h 48m
PlayStation 4 385 12h 33m 17h 22m 23h 32m
PlayStation 5 26 3h 35m 8h 51m 9h 44m
Xbox 360 196 2h 48m 16h 12m 23h 12m
Xbox One 241 4h 26m 6h 16m 24h 12m
Xbox Series X/S 23 7h 37m 7h 33m 21h 10m
Linux 0 - - -
Mac 0 - - -

Speedruns of Tomb Raider (2013)

Check out the statistical data of speedruns for Tomb Raider (2013) submitted by users:

*Average speedrun length of Tomb Raider (2013).
players Average Time Median Slowest Fastest
3 3h 54m 3h 56m 4h 12m 3h 36m

Records of Tomb Raider (2013)

Now let’s look at the maximum time and minimum time Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on Tomb Raider (2013) to complete it for each platform, including all available playstyles:

  • Minimum Time: If you play quickly, Tomb Raider (2013) could last 5 hours and 9 minutes.
  • Maximum Time: Playing as slowly as you can, Tomb Raider (2013) could last 92 hours and 42 minutes.

Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on Tomb Raider (2013) to complete it for each platform. These times do not symbolize players’ skill but rather the greater or lesser number of hours someone has spent on the game:

*Maximum and minimum time a player has spent to complete Tomb Raider (2013).
player Fastest Slowest
Google Stadia Mr/s. Unknown 7h 58m 31h 13m
PC Mr/s. Unknown 5h 9m 92h 42m
PlayStation 3 Mr/s. Unknown 5h 41m 41h 57m
PlayStation 4 Mr/s. Unknown 6h 4m 68h 33m
PlayStation 5 Mr/s. Unknown 6h 10m 41h 12m
Xbox 360 Mr/s. Unknown 6h 10m 49h 26m
Xbox One Mr/s. Unknown 6h 43m 87h 47m
Xbox Series X/S Mr/s. Unknown 5h 9m 28h 54m
Linux Mr/s. Unknown - -
Mac Mr/s. Unknown - -