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blastait's Profile

15 EXP / Level 3


15 EXP

Joined on
Octubre de 2022

blastait's Activity

  • blastait has added a new gameplay for Xenoblade Chronicles 2

    2022/10/16 19:10:51
    Blastait has added a new gameplay for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Completado in a time of 65 horas, in its story mode, completing the main objectives.
  • blastait has added a new gameplay for NieR: Automata

    2022/10/16 19:10:03
    Blastait has added a new gameplay for NieR: Automata. Completado in a time of 85 horas, in its story mode, completing the main objectives along with optional objectives.
    Me pase todos los finales importantes. No intente completarlo al 100% pero lo exprimí a mi manera
  • blastait has added a new gameplay for Hollow Knight

    2022/10/16 19:10:41
    Blastait has added a new gameplay for Hollow Knight. Completado in a time of 55 horas, in its story mode, completing the main objectives along with optional objectives.
  • blastait has added a new gameplay for Bayonetta

    2022/10/16 19:10:16
    Blastait has added a new gameplay for Bayonetta. Completado in a time of 15 horas, in its story mode, completing the main objectives along with optional objectives.
  • blastait has added a new gameplay for Hollow Knight

    2022/10/16 19:10:35
    Blastait has added a new gameplay for Hollow Knight. Completado in a time of 55 horas, in its story mode, completing the main objectives.
    Lo jugué a mi ritmo, disfrutando el momento. Complete gran parte del juego pero no al 112%