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Darry's Gameplays

3 EXP / Level 1



Joined on
Marzo de 2024

Darry's Gameplays

  • Darry has completed Final Fantasy VII Remake on PlayStation 5

    2024/03/20 03:03:59
    Darry has completed Final Fantasy VII Remake on PlayStation 5 Completed in a time of 39 hours, in its story mode, completing the main objectives along with optional objectives.
    Se nota algunas zonas que se pusieron para alargar la duracion del titulo artificialmente y en la historia se nota algo inconclusa ya que no termina de resolver dudas que surgen en desde el principio aun asi lo disfrute de buena manera y no se te hace repetitivo
    Platform Mode Style Replay Progress Time
    Platform: PlayStation 5 Mode: Standard Style: Extras Replay: No Progress: Completed Time: 39h 0m 0s