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DJAnglada's Profile

24 EXP / Level 3


24 EXP

Joined on
Junio de 2024

DJAnglada's Activity

  • DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4

    2024/06/08 18:06:30
    DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4. Completado in a time of 19 horas, in its story mode, completing the main objectives along with optional objectives.
    Jugando a una velocidad media
  • DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    2024/06/08 18:06:09
    DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Completado in a time of 291 horas y 40 minutos, in its story mode, completing the main objectives along with optional objectives.
    Terminado 3 veces a una velocidad media pero sin profundizar en todos los logros.
  • DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for Beach Bounce

    2024/06/08 18:06:48
    DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for Beach Bounce. Completado in a time of 1 hora y 4 minutos, in its story mode, completing the main objectives along with extras, including all achievements and optional content.
    Jugando a una velocidad normal
  • DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for Baldur's Gate 3

    2024/06/08 18:06:51
    DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for Baldur's Gate 3. Completado in a time of 428 horas y 50 minutos, in its story mode, completing the main objectives along with extras, including all achievements and optional content.
    Jugando 4 partidas con amigos y 2 partidas en solitario a una velocidad media/lenta.
  • DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for Child of Light

    2024/06/08 18:06:24
    DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for Child of Light. Completado in a time of 11 horas, in its story mode, completing the main objectives along with extras, including all achievements and optional content.
    Jugando a una velocidad media y disfrutando de la OST y de cada paisaje
  • DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for The Room Two

    2024/06/08 18:06:22
    DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for The Room Two. Completado in a time of 7 horas y 12 minutos, in its story mode, completing the main objectives along with extras, including all achievements and optional content.
    Jugando en pareja a una velocidad lenta
  • DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for The Room (2012)

    2024/06/08 18:06:30
    DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for The Room (2012). Completado in a time of 5 horas, in its story mode, completing the main objectives along with extras, including all achievements and optional content.
    Jugando en pareja y a una velocidad lenta
  • DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3

    2024/06/08 18:06:09
    DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3. Completado in a time of 60 horas y 20 minutos, in its story mode, completing the main objectives along with extras, including all achievements and optional content.
    Jugando a un ritmo medio, consiguiendo todo y disfrutando de las misiones.
  • DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for Karate Master 2: Knock Down Blow

    2024/06/08 18:06:15
    DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for Karate Master 2: Knock Down Blow. Completado in a time of 13 horas y 20 minutos, in its story mode, completing the main objectives along with extras, including all achievements and optional content.
    Jugando a un ritmo medio/lento y teniendo en cuenta que he jugado más tiempo por pura diversión.
  • DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

    2024/06/08 18:06:40
    DJAnglada has added a new gameplay for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. Completado in a time of 75 horas y 40 minutos, in its story mode, completing the main objectives along with extras, including all achievements and optional content.
    Jugando a un ritmo medio/lento.