RickyCent10's Profile
15 EXP / Level 3
15 EXP
- Joined on
- Abril de 2024
RickyCent10's Activity
RickyCent10 has added a new gameplay for Metal Slug 2. Completed in a time of 0 hours and 49 minutes, in its story mode, completing the main objectives.
RickyCent10 has added a new gameplay for FIFA 19. Completed in a time of 45 hours, in its story mode, completing the main objectives.
RickyCent10 has added a new gameplay for Grand Theft Auto V. Completed in a time of 35 hours and 46 minutes, in its story mode, completing the main objectives.
RickyCent10 has added a new gameplay for Hotline Miami. Completed in a time of 4 hours and 58 minutes, in its story mode, completing the main objectives.
RickyCent10 has added a new gameplay for Red Dead Redemption. Completed in a time of 15 hours and 37 minutes, in its story mode, completing the main objectives.