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Cover of XCOM 2

Duration of XCOM 2

This game has been approved.


33h 15m


48h 35m


85h 19m


About XCOM 2

La Tierra ha cambiado. Han pasado veinte años desde que los líderes mundiales ofrecieron una rendición incondicional a las fuerzas alienígenas y XCOM, la última línea de defensa del planeta, quedó diezmado y dispersado. Ahora los alienígenas gobiernan la Tierra, construyendo ciudades brillantes que prometen un futuro brillante para la humanidad en la superficie, mientras ocultan una agenda siniestra abajo y eliminan a todos los que disidentes de su nuevo orden. Sólo aquellos que viven en los límites del mundo tienen un margen de libertad. Aquí, una fuerza se reúne una vez más para defender a la humanidad. Siempre huyendo, las fuerzas restantes de XCOM deben encontrar una manera de levantarse de las cenizas, exponer la insidiosa verdad detrás de la ocupación y eliminar la amenaza alienígena de una vez por todas.

XCOM 2 can be played on the platforms Móvil, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Linux, Mac, y Mobile.

XCOM 2 on Steam

Additional Content of XCOM 2

XCOM 2 has 4 DLC/Expansions:

Expansion/DLC Story Extras Complete
XCOM 2: Long War 2 84h 23m 71h 40m -
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen 35h 0m 56h 27m 117h 22m
XCOM 2: Shen's Last Gift 3h 2m - -
XCOM 2: Alien Hunters - - -

How long is XCOM 2?

The times below represent the possible times you could dedicate to XCOM 2 depending on how you play it. We’ll also look at the average times based on players’ abilities.

According to the information provided by 150 players, XCOM 2 it has an average duration of 33 hours and 15 minutes if you limit yourself to completing the main objectives of the game,. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly tend to complete it in an average time of 45 hours and 21 minutes. If you play slowly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 22 hours and 5 minutes.

According to the information provided by 225 players, to also complete the extras, among which the side missions or optional objectives from XCOM 2, the average time is 48 hours and 35 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly tend to complete it in an average time of 171 hours and 27 minutes. If you play slowly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 32 hours and 45 minutes.

According to the information provided by 39 players, if you complete the story along with the optional objectives and also achieve all achievements, collectibles, or trophies from XCOM 2 to complete it 100%, the game will last an average of 85 hours and 19 minutes. Players who follow this playstyle and play slowly tend to complete it in an average time of 221 hours and 14 minutes. If you play slowly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 53 hours and 49 minutes.

*Average duration of XCOM 2.
players Average Time Playing slowly Playing quickly
Story 150 33h 15m 45h 21m 22h 5m
Extras 225 48h 35m 171h 27m 32h 45m
Complete 39 85h 19m 221h 14m 53h 49m

Duration of XCOM 2 by platform

Now let’s proceed with the average duration of XCOM 2 based on each playstyle across all platforms it is played on:

*Average duration of XCOM 2 by platform.
players Story Extras Complete
Móvil 1 - 43h 50m -
Nintendo Switch 8 35h 36m 38h 59m 71h 40m
PC 364 4h 57m 8h 40m 12h 58m
PlayStation 4 26 4h 59m 4h 29m 8h 3m
PlayStation 5 2 5h 57m 46h 14m -
Xbox One 12 33h 7m 56h 7m 17h 19m
Xbox Series X/S 2 6h 53m 9h 54m -
Linux 0 - - -
Mac 0 - - -
Mobile 1 - 43h 53m -

Speedruns of XCOM 2

Here you can find data about the speedruns of the game XCOM 2 submitted by users:

*Average speedrun duration of XCOM 2.
players Average Time Median Slowest Fastest
2 10h 11m 10h 11m 17h 33m 2h 48m

Records of XCOM 2

Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on XCOM 2 to complete it based on each platform, without considering the playstyle:

  • Minimum Time: Playing quickly, XCOM 2 could last 11 hours and 38 minutes.
  • Maximum Time: If you go slowly, taking your time, XCOM 2 could last 365 hours and 53 minutes.

Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on XCOM 2 to complete it based on each platform. These data do not reflect players’ skills but exclusively the total number of hours they have dedicated to the game:

*Maximum and minimum time a player has spent to complete XCOM 2.
player Fastest Slowest
Móvil Mr/s. Unknown 43h 39m 43h 39m
Nintendo Switch Mr/s. Unknown 19h 24m 111h 33m
PC Mr/s. Unknown 11h 38m 365h 53m
PlayStation 4 Mr/s. Unknown 16h 12m 174h 36m
PlayStation 5 Mr/s. Unknown 27h 9m 58h 12m
Xbox One Mr/s. Unknown 29h 6m 106h 42m
Xbox Series X/S Mr/s. Unknown 24h 45m 47h 55m
Linux Mr/s. Unknown - -
Mac Mr/s. Unknown - -
Mobile Mr/s. Unknown 43h 39m 43h 39m