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Cover of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2

Length of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2

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32h 38m


42h 0m




About Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 is a trading card game video game released in 2007 for the PlayStation Portable. It is the second installment in the Tag Force series and is based on the popular Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime. Players take on the role of a Duel Academy student and can explore the academy, interact with characters, and participate in duels. The game features an extensive roster of cards, allowing players to build and customize their decks. It also introduces a multiplayer mode, enabling players to team up for tag duels, enhancing the strategic gameplay experience. Additionally, players can form bonds with various characters, leading to unique storylines and events within the game.

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 is available on platforms PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2 and Emulated.

How long is Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2?

The times below represent the possible times you could dedicate to Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 depending on how you play it, also considering the average times based on players’ skill levels.

Based on the information provided by 5 players, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 has an average duration of 32 hours and 38 minutes if you only complete the main objectives of the game,. If you play quickly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 52 hours and 44 minutes. If you play slowly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 26 hours and 14 minutes.

Based on the information provided by 3 players, to also complete the extras, such as optional objectives or side missions from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2, the average time is 42 hours. If you play quickly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 50 hours and 30 minutes. If you play slowly, you will finish this playstyle in an average time of 30 hours and 31 minutes.

*Average length of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2.
players Average Time Playing slowly Playing quickly
Story 5 32h 38m 52h 44m 26h 14m
Extras 3 42h 0m 50h 30m 30h 31m
Complete 0 - - -

Length of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 by platform

Now let’s proceed with the average duration of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 based on each playstyle for each platform that has a version available:

*Average length of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 by platform.
players Story Extras Complete
PlayStation Portable 7 32h 46m 6h 57m -
PlayStation 2 0 - - -
Emulated 0 - - -

Records of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2

Let’s now look at the maximum time and minimum time Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 to complete it depending on the platform on which it exists, regardless of the playstyle:

  • Minimum Time: Playing as quickly as possible, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 could last 7 hours.
  • Maximum Time: Playing slowly, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 could last 60 hours.

Below, you can see the maximum time and minimum time that someone has spent on Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 to complete it depending on the platform on which it exists. These times do not symbolize players’ skill but rather the greater or lesser number of hours someone has spent on the game:

*Maximum and minimum time a player has spent to complete Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2.
player Fastest Slowest
PlayStation Portable Mr/s. Unknown 7h 0m 60h 0m
PlayStation 2 Mr/s. Unknown - -
Emulated Mr/s. Unknown - -

Featured Gameplays of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2

  • Rafander has completed Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 on PlayStation Portable

    2025/02/22 21:02:50
    Rafander has completed Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 on PlayStation Portable Completed in a time of 9 hours and 46 minutes, in its story mode, completing the main objectives.
    Con hacks de PD infinito, Todas las recetas desbloqueadas y siempre bocadillo de huevo de oro
    Platform Mode Style Replay Progress Time
    Platform: PlayStation Portable Mode: Standard Style: Main Story Replay: No Progress: Completed Time: 9h 46m 18s